January 29, 2011

WHL hockey: Giants 3, Blazers 1

I started coverage of the Vancouver Giants for the online publication the Vancouver Observer. Give it a look-see.

Pucked in the Head, episode 23

Finally got the new episode over to Chris, who posted it on the website. Episode 23 - Our Mid-Season Award Recipients. You can find out who we think deserves the Canucks Unsung Hero Award, as well as legitimate NHL Awards. It's prize-tastic fun!

Or, if you prefer, go to iTunes and subscribe your little buns off:

January 26, 2011

Notes on decade #4

It's the end of January, 2011. I turn 40 in 22 days. There won't be any navel gazing here, boys and girls - just a thanks to everyone who helped make the past decade the best I've experienced thus far. I'm happier now - more patient, more content, more excited, more passionate than I've ever been.

Since turning 30, I have managed to do the following:

Mom & Milla at the bookstore

* Convinced a wonderful, fiery Latina to marry me. (Hi Nadia!)

* Had a beautiful baby girl (Milla) with said wonderful, fiery Latina.

* Fixed my credit rating - largely due to the organizational skills of the aforementioned fiery Latina.

* Bought a townhouse.

* Visited Mexico several times.

* Started speaking Spanish.

* Visited China.

* Didn't get shanghaied.

* Did the West Coast Trail.

* Found out that teaching isn't just a job, it's a passion.

* Learned that coaching turns teaching into a passion that pays well.

* Produced a movie screening to raise money for the Cancer Society.

* Started a small business (Kick-Start Cardio).

* Learned that - dude - small businesses are, like, wicked hard to run well.

* Closed that small business.

Pucked in the Head logo
* Rekindled my love affair with hockey.

* Started a podcast (http://www.puckedinthehead.com/).

* Went back to school (UBC).

There were some hurdles, sure, but it's been a fun 10 years. Here's to the fifth decade being the best one yet.