May 28, 2007

What a beauty! (And Denise is easy on the eyes, too)

My business partner and best friend Denise joined me in hitting the Memorial Cup this week -- game start times were an absolute nightmare, leading to a surprisingly low attendance rate by hockey freaks like me, but there were some perks.

Like necking with a fellow named Stanley.

May 14, 2007

Nothing to say, really...

Originally uploaded by stodmyk.
I just like this shot, and am doubly proud that I took it with my crappy little automatic digital camera on a walk while (rightly or wrongly...) angry with my significant other.

(Hi, sweetie! I love you!)

The point is, even in the bad moments, we can produce some good things.

May 4, 2007

What hockey's all about

Backyard Hockey
Originally uploaded by stodmyk.
When I get frustrated because the Canucks come out flat -- you had a great seasion, but come ON, boys, it's your ELIMINATION game, how can you be so legless? -- I remember moments like this.

On the Easter long weekend, my wife and I drove out to Calgary, and I got to play ball hockey with my nephews. THIS is what the game's all about. I tell ya, these guys don't EVER play without passion.